Monday, January 18, 2010


Whether a noun, verb, or adjective BLARKING is a word in and of itself. You can blark a blarking blark if you desire. To me blarking is ever changing. It's intent isn't to replace an objectional work (i.e. fark, ala Battlestar Gallactica). It is more like a word of it's own.

Blarking, the blog is more of a, this is what I think kind of place.

I can go a number of different directions here. I can be totally serious, go off the cuff, be technical (I am an IT Instructor, mind you), or just be completely random. Eventually, there will likely be some specific days, like a Tech Tuesday or Random Friday, but until I come up with a structure hold on tight, it might be kinda bumpy the first few days, weeks, or even months. I think starting out though, this will be a regular M-W-F thing with some extra days thrown in as necessary.

This will be my attempt at meeting a New Year's goal. Mind you, not a resolution, but a goal. Small bite size ideas to meet a larger accomplisment.

Stay tuned.