Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally Friday

In a usual month I only work two Saturdays. My co-worker and I alternate each Saturday. If there are 5 Saturdays (like this month) then we both work. I get to work tomorrow. With two people if the schedule gets busy, we automatically make adjustments to events on the schedule. With only one person it is just plain busy. Fortunately, the Saturdays are only 9am - 2pm. If it was a full day, it would be just too much for one person to handle.

For some good news the loan paperwork is "on its way". That being said, until I get a pen to paper, I will not "un-stress". Once we are officially homeowners, I will be pleased as punch. Fortunately for us we qualify as first time homebuyers and will get the nice tax credit. That is going to be put to good use, but not overuse. We NEED quite a few things, but it doesn't create too much of a dent. If we added in the WANT, then it would come close. I think we will have some room to play while still having a good amount saved up and paying down some debt, which is always a good thing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Woo Hoo, Entry #2

Okay, not so exciting, but I said that this would start out a M-W-F blog. Here it is, Wednesday, and thus another entry. This week started out wet and soggy and the forecast is continued wet and soggy with a chance of more wet and soggy. We live in Sunny Southern California, which up until this week has been just that. It has gotten chilly, but the sun was still out. This week was the beginning of the winter storms. They came fast and hard. The house is fine, but the workplace is leaking. One of the back doors is warped and the bottom side doesn't even contact the weatherstripping. So, we flood when it pours, and it has been pouring at times. The only thing to do is call the landlords and we get added to "the list".

Other than that we continue to sign paperwork and wait to sign for the house. It is coming up on a month since this process started. One recommendation to those future homebuyers out there. Never begin the escrow process during the Christmas/New Year timeframe. Too many delays and that adds to the stress. For now, we are just waiting on the next set of papers to sign, the next request for information to fill out, or the next period of waiting. It will be nice when we can say we are homeowners for the first time. We thought of popping the cork on some champagne but we don't drink alcohol. The alternative? Silly string! Perfect. It is fun, colorful, and will wash away easily.

So that is the Wednesday edition of blarking. Back again on Friday!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Whether a noun, verb, or adjective BLARKING is a word in and of itself. You can blark a blarking blark if you desire. To me blarking is ever changing. It's intent isn't to replace an objectional work (i.e. fark, ala Battlestar Gallactica). It is more like a word of it's own.

Blarking, the blog is more of a, this is what I think kind of place.

I can go a number of different directions here. I can be totally serious, go off the cuff, be technical (I am an IT Instructor, mind you), or just be completely random. Eventually, there will likely be some specific days, like a Tech Tuesday or Random Friday, but until I come up with a structure hold on tight, it might be kinda bumpy the first few days, weeks, or even months. I think starting out though, this will be a regular M-W-F thing with some extra days thrown in as necessary.

This will be my attempt at meeting a New Year's goal. Mind you, not a resolution, but a goal. Small bite size ideas to meet a larger accomplisment.

Stay tuned.